In 2024, SERCAL’s restoration community made it possible for almost 100 students and emerging professionals to attend… Let’s make it happen again!

Not all of us have the means, when we are starting out, to afford registration, travel, and lodging. That why we are encouraging our amazing professional community to make it possible for future restoration leaders to have the opportunity to get their foot in the door, to network, to learn, and to start building lifelong working relationships and friendships with members of our community.

Who is the Next Gen?

We’ve been calling students and emerging professionals the Next Gen, but really we are talking about the Next Gen of restoration leaders, so don’t sweat the age stuff. Many of us have at least three careers in our lifetime.

Whether you are a student, an emerging professional, or want to transition from your current career to the BEST career of all, we’ve got you covered!

Applying for a stipend is now a part of registration! At least the first 80 people who register as a Tribal member or a Next Gen presenter or volunteer will have their registrations waived. We are simply waiting for additional support from our amazing community before we waive more registrations.

Never presented before?

Don’t worry! Here are the guidelines. Just do it! It’s a great way to start building connections.

Volunteering is another great way to make connections. You’ll help out 2-3 hours during non-session time, especially during set-up and take-down.

Next steps if you are a Tribal Member or a Next Gen Presenter and/or Volunteer and will need financial assistance attending the conference:

1) Register now and let us know if you need support for travel, lodging or both. Once you submit your registration, a message will appear thanking you for your registration.

2) Give us about 3 weeks to go through the applications. Trust the process — we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

3) Consider submitting an abstract to present poster!

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